Micro needling

Micro needling is a safe and effective way to treat various skin conditions. With minimal downtime of 1 to 3 days and minimal discomfort, the micro needling treatment takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. A topical numbing anesthetic is applied to the skin...

All about the Liquid Nose Job

Dr. Khan offers the finest Botox and Filler injections in the region Here he is happy to share his expertise in shaping and refining the nose. The nose is the “centerpiece” of the face. When filling this area to smooth out the coutour, it is essential to...

Dysport vs Botox

A lot of people come in asking what’s the difference between Dysport and Botox. Quite frankly, there isn’t much. They both are more similar than than dissimilar However, in some patients were Botox does not work as well or as long, I will elect to use...


Attention! Free SkinMedica AHA/BHA Cleanser and Cream with your Botox AND Filler Treatment – Limited quantities! OCTOBER SPECIAL! The LEADING PROVIDER of Botox, fillers, and aesthetic treatments to Hudson county has a special offer: Receive a free set of...

What is Botox

Botulinum toxin (Botox, onabotulinumtoxinA) is a material that has been known for over a century and used for medical purposes for more than 50 years. Botox initially was used to correct lazy eye (strabismus), blepharospasm (inability to move the eyelids in certain...